
CBD for Dogs 

What is it and how does it work?

See how CBD can make a difference to your four legged friend in a variety of ways.

CBD For Dogs!

What is it and how does it work? See how CBD can make a difference to your four legged friend in a variety of ways.


*CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a non-intoxicating compound present in the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa).

*CBD is safe, natural, and typically causes no side effects.

*Like humans, dogs can benefit from CBD’s positive effects on stress, anxiety, pain, inflammation, seizures, and osteoarthritis.

CBD for dogs

The appeal of CBD has transcended humans. Thanks to its therapeutic properties and non-intoxicating nature, it is now used to help dogs, cats, rabbits, and even horses overcome a range of medical conditions using the power of cannabis.

To those unfamiliar with the cannabinoid hemp industry, the idea of giving CBD to a pet that has separation anxiety, pain, or inflammation may seem absurd. But once caring pet owners appreciate how CBD for dogs positively affects them, it makes sense to use this natural remedy rather than potentially hazardous prescription medications.

Harnessing the power of CBD to help dogs live their best lives is still a new concept, meaning that large-scale research is somewhat inadequate. However, preliminary studies look promising, and UK vets may now prescribe CBD for dogs. In fact, many pet owners see life-changing results after giving their pets CBD. Since giving CBD to dogs is a recent innovation, in this article, we cover the fundamentals.

Shop CBD for Dogs

Potential benefits of CBD for dogs

Research indicates that CBD may offer wellness-supporting benefits for your canine friend.

CBD for Osteoporosis in Dogs

Osteoarthritis is a common bone condition that frequently affects man's best friend.

Some research ⁶ estimates that as many as 1 in 5 dogs over a year old suffer from this painful disease.

A recent 2020 study⁷ examined the effect of CBD on dogs with osteoarthritis in a double-blind test over four weeks. Some of the dogs were given a placebo and showed no change in their condition over the study.

However, the dogs given large doses of CBD demonstrated improved mobility and quality of life, which the authors attributed to CBD's anti-inflammatory properties.

CBD for seizures
in dogs

Seizures are another frequently encountered issue in dogs. In 2019 the first veterinary-specific use of CBD for seizures was evaluated and published. While the study⁸ concentrated on dogs already taking anti-epileptic drug therapy, the results are promising and showed a statistically significant 89% reduction in seizure frequency in dogs receiving CBD.

 These findings could potentially lead to a canine version of the United States Food and Drug Administration approved drug Epidiolex, a CBD-based drug used to treat certain types of seizures in humans.

CBD for anxiety in dogs

Many dogs suffer from anxiety, even though their owners might not necessarily recognise the symptoms.

 Often, dogs become extremely agitated and upset when their owners leave the house, sometimes leading to destructive behaviours or incessant barking.

In humans, using CBD for anxiety is widespread. In a large survey of CBD users, around 60%⁹ of them harness the power of CBD specifically to manage their anxiety and report that it works exceptionally well, in addition to helping with pain, insomnia, and depression.

 The majority of veterinarians¹⁰ agree that CBD works well for stress relief. If your canine friend is chronically anxious or becomes stressed because of specific events, like fireworks, offering CBD oil for dogs could be an effective solution.

CBD Dosage for Dogs

When combating a serious ailment the best way to administer is under the tongue (sublingually) for fast results. 
For easy sublingual dosing, stand facing the same way as your dog and gently insert syringe into side of mouth, which will cause your dog to lick and enable easy under tongue application

Pet owners should begin with a minimal amount of CBD oil for dogs to see how their pet reacts and if they experience any side effects.

We would recommend that owners give their dogs a lower starting daily dose of around 0.25 mg per 1kg of their weight, and then after two days increase this to a medium dose of 0.5 mg per kg while monitoring how the dog feels. However, if your dog struggles with an ailment or pain, we recommend starting with the strongest dose of 1-2mg per kg of body weight. We offer three CBD oil strengths for small, medium & large dogs to help you find the best strength for your dogs needs.  Consistency is key so once you have calculated your daily dose divide it across two doses morning and night.

For slow absorption the oil can be mixed with food or dropped into the side of your dogs mouth. For quick results, administer the oil drops under the tongue (sublingually). This will allow the CBD to be absorbed rapidly into the bloodstream than with other routes, such as consumption with food.

Included with all our Pet CBD oils is a syringe which you can drop the oil drops into and place under your pet’s tongue.

How Much CBD Should I Give My Dog?

Dog Dose is mg CBD per 1kg weight
Starting Dose Medium Dose Full Dose MG Per Drop for CBD Oil
0.25mg 0.5mg 1 - 2mg Small Dog 3% 1.25mg per drop
0.25mg 0.5mg 1 - 2mg Medium Dog 5% 2.08mg per drop
0.25mg 0.5mg 1 - 2mg Large Dog 10% 4.17mg per drop

Is CBD Safe for Dogs?

Yes, CBD is widely considered safe and an effective therapy for dogs.

In 2017, the World Health Organization³ released a statement saying that CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile.

 There are only rare cases of humans and animals experiencing side effects. Overall, CBD is considered safe for dogs, and the UK Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD)⁴ classifies CBD as veterinary medicine.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. It's one of over 100 bio-active chemical compounds known as cannabinoids produced by hemp plant flowers.

 Each of these constituents has unique properties. Hemp is a strain of the Cannabis sativa plant that must contain less than 0.2% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the intoxicating component in cannabis that induces a "high."

In contrast, CBD lacks this effect because of the way it's metabolised. Unlike THC, cannabidiol is non-intoxicating and, therefore, safe for your pet. CBD exerts its effects in humans, dogs, and other animals because of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Scientists describe¹ the ECS as a complex network of neurotransmitters, receptors, and enzymes that help regulate essential bodily functions like mood, appetite, memory, inflammation, pain response, and the sleep-wake cycle.


The body produces natural cannabis-like neurotransmitters called endocannabinoids. 

The two we are most familiar with are anandamide and 2-AG. Endocannabinoids send signals to receptors throughout the body to release chemicals that help people and pets deal with external events, like injuries and stress.

Cannabinoid (CB) Receptors

CB receptors are responsible for releasing chemicals that keep our bodies in homeostasis or balance.

The two we currently understand are CB1, found chiefly in the brain and central nervous system, and CB2, primarily located in the liver and immune system. Unlike THC, CBD doesn't bind directly with CB receptors. Instead, it interacts indirectly and may modulate other non-cannabinoid receptors. It is the action of binding with CB1 that creates the intense intoxicating effects of THC.  Because CBD doesn't bind to receptors, it cannot cause intoxicating effects.


CBD also works its magic on ECS enzymes. When pet owners use CBD oil for dogs, it inhibits the enzymes that typically break down endocannabinoids, thereby allowing them to have more of an effect on the body. CBD helps create a healthy flow of neurotransmitters that can activate receptors and balance many bodily processes.

Different types of CBD 

CBD is currently being used as an all-encompassing term for hemp-derived cannabinoid products with high concentrations of CBD.

However, whole-plant extracts are broken into two groups, full-spectrum and broad-spectrum. Full-spectrum CBD products contain a mixture of naturally occurring plant extracts (such as terpenes and other cannabinoids) and up to 0.3% THC or more.

While broad-spectrum CBD products also contain many plant compounds, they are either completely free from THC or contain negligible (trace) amounts, i.e. less than 0.3%.

 All Naturecan’s CBD products contain non-detectable levels (<0.01%) of THC.
